Saturday, September 14, 2013

What is Paleo?

Easily dismissed as "the caveman diet", paleo is much more than a diet.

Depending on who you ask, some might refer to paleo as a strict set of rules or a loose framework. I prefer to think of paleo as a community... A large and rapidly growing one that spans this entire globe.

Ironically, this community is made possible in large part by the internet! Regardless of religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation, we are all devoted to the same goal of realising the full potential for human health. Free of dogma, and open to being "wrong" about something, we by and large follow a basic scientific curiosity toward this goal.

This community is made up of many "legit" researchers in the fields of anthropology, microbiology, biochemistry, human physiology, psychology, and more. It also consists of thousands of "n=1" researchers who are trying the many concepts on themselves... Farmers, chefs, "Biohackers", Medical Doctors ranging from Cardiology to Family Practice, to Internal Medicine, Acupuncturists, cross-fit instructors, coaches, personal trainers, yoga teachers, barefoot runners, and countless random geeks, not to mention the countless silent participants who are finding that it is far more fun and easy to be healthy than they had previously thought!